All RSU 12 schools are closed today, Tuesday November 12th, due to the snow and ice predicted today.
over 5 years ago, Howard Tuttle, Superintendent
4th Annual “Spirit Week” Food Drive Dear Chelsea School Parents/Guardians and Staff, It’s that time again! In the spirit of Thanksgiving, our students and staff will be involved in a school wide effort to collect food for the Chelsea School Food Bank. This year, we will be collecting food items during the week of November 18th through the 23rd, as we celebrate “Chelsea Spirit Week”. It’s a fun way to show our Chelsea Pride, as well as give back to the Chelsea community. The week will feature five FUN days of “School Spirit”! This year will be slightly different in that we are asking for a specific food item, which will related to the day’s theme. There will be a school spirit theme as well as “a food item theme” for each day of the week. For students who are able to, we asked them to bring in ONE of the food item related to that day’s theme to their homeroom that morning. Chelsea Spirit Days Calendar “Macaroni Monday”/Sport’s team/Sport’s Jersey Day Bring in a macaroni food item, i.e macaroni and cheese, spaghetti noodles or any other kind of pasta/macaroni, and show your team pride by wearing your favorite sport’s team attire! “Can of Soup Tuesday“/Camo or USA (Wear red, white and blue) Day Bring in a can of soup (or two!), as you proudly show your appreciation for the Veteran’s of our nation! “Peanut Butter or Jelly Wednesday”/When I Grow Up Wednesday (Future Day) Bring in a jar of PB or Jelly, and dress as your future!! Be the doctor, teacher, plumber, nurse, super hero or professional athlete, you’ve always wanted to be! Remember, YOU can be anyone or anything you want to be,with hard work, determination and GRIT!! “Box of Cereal Thursday”/Beach Party/Neon Day! Bring in a box of any kind of cereal, and wear your brightest, wackiest beach attire!!! “Very Veggie Friday”/ Hat day/Crazy Hair Day/Chelsea Spirit Day Bring in any canned vegetable, wear your crazy hair hat and/or Chelsea School colors!! We are looking forward to a fun week of showing our Chelsea School spirit. Let’s take this opportunity to give back to our community, and make some fun memories in the process! Thank you in advance for your support!!! Kelly Breton, Spirit Week/Food Drive Coordinator Chelsea Elementary School Middle School Team Teacher
over 5 years ago, Chelsea Elementary
Two hour delay for all RSU 12 Schools today November 1, 2019
over 5 years ago, Howard Tuttle, Superintendent
A humongous thank you to Amanda Basselet and the Girl Scouts for spending a large part of their day off planting daffodils at Chelsea Elementary. I can't wait to see the 270 bulbs in full bloom in the spring.
over 5 years ago, Chelsea Elementary
Planting bulbs
Planting bulbs
Planting bulbs
Planting bulbs
RSU 12 staff spent the day Friday learning together. There were opportunities to learn about complex reasoning skills and how to teach these to students. There were also opportunities to practice strategies to address challenging student behavior and to build a sense of community in the classroom. We look forward to applying our new learning in the classroom!
over 5 years ago, RSU 12
Adults looking at presenter
Teachers looking at presenter
Teachers looking at presenter
To make you aware, some students currently eligible for No Cost meals at the school due to the meal eligibility application that was received in the past. However, on October 9th, 2019 student eligibility will end because we have not received a new application for this year. There are two convenient ways to apply as soon as possible: Follow this link and submit an online application: Attached is a manual application, please print and compete the form and send back to your school as soon as possible. If you have questions on this important need, please call Chelsea Elementary School at your earliest convenience.
over 5 years ago, Chelsea Elementary
Clarification of Duck Tape Challenge. Students will be asked to support no bullying by signing their name to a colorful piece of duck tape and sticking it to a vinyl sheet that we will hang in the hallway.
over 5 years ago, Chelsea Elementary
Oct 7 is National Bullying Awareness Day. We will honor this day by wearing blue and doing the duck tape challenge (this will be done at lunch). Please ask your students to wear blue to honor this special day.
over 5 years ago, Chelsea Elementary
RSU #12 is pleased to announce the availability of applying for Free and Reduced Price Meals online at! The process is SAFE, SECURE, PRIVATE, and AVAILABLE anytime, anywhere! Your data is transmitted to the Student Nutrition Office the same day you apply, allowing for quicker processing so you can receive benefits faster. Follow the easy to use, step-by-step screens to enter student and household information. Then click “Apply” to submit your application for meal benefits!
over 5 years ago, RSU 12
Chelsea students in grades 4-12, this is a great opportunity! If interested and you need help with your application just let us know. MEDIA RELEASE: Maine DOE Seeks Students to Serve on First-ever Student Cabinet The Maine Department of Education (DOE) today announced that it is launching its first-ever student cabinet, a group of students that will meet quarterly with Commissioner Pender Makin to discuss educational opportunities, improvements, and policy. The purpose of the Student Cabinet is to provide a forum for Maine students’ voices to be heard. Cabinet meetings will allow students from different grade levels, backgrounds, and areas of Maine to share their opinions and offer advice about Maine’s education system with Maine’s Commissioner of Education and other leaders from the Maine Department of Education. Students grades 4 – 12 and first year of college are invited to submit an application to be a member of the Student Cabinet. Members selected will serve for a term of 12 months starting on November 1, 2019. Cabinet meetings will be held throughout the school year. Most meetings are expected to be held as video conferences which will require cabinet members to have access to a computer or device with an internet connection. There will be at least one in-person meeting, for which the Maine DOE will reimburse travel costs. Student Cabinet members will be selected based on representation of Maine’s geography, with a goal of two students from each county in Maine, based on the pool of applications submitted, and inclusive of the diverse cultural and economic backgrounds of students throughout Maine. Selected students will be expected to attend scheduled meetings, prepare for each meeting as needed, work in a collaborative manner with each other and with Department staff as needed; and express views and opinions openly, constructively, and respectfully. By becoming a member on the Maine DOE Student Cabinet, students will benefit by: Having a direct role in improving education for students in Maine; Gain important leadership, public speaking, decision making, and team building skills; Develop a network of support and mentors through exposure to leaders across the state, and; Have a great addition to their resume and applications for secondary opportunities. Instructions for applying: Students interested in serving on the Maine DOE Student Cabinet will need to submit the electronic application, with consent from a parent or guardian, by Tuesday, October 15, 2019 at 5 pm. Applications can be submitted electronically here. For more information contact Kelli Deveaux (207) 624-6747 or
over 5 years ago, Chelsea Elementary
over 5 years ago, RSU 12
Ask your children about the mindfulness breathing techniques they learned at school to help them ready their minds for learning.
over 5 years ago, Chelsea Elementary
Chelsea peeps! 🎉 Mark your calendars!! 📅Wednesday evening, September 18th from 6:30-7:30pm, the PTA is sponsoring a family music event🎶 with Jared Campbell!! You will not want to miss this! 😊 Bring the whole family out for this FREE event to kick off an amazing 2019-2020 school year!!
over 5 years ago, Chelsea Elementary
This is just a reminder that today, Wednesday, August 28th, is the first day of school for RSU 12 and it is an early release for all schools. Students release at 1:30pm today. Thank you.
over 5 years ago, RSU 12
Opening workshop day at RSU 12. We are excited to be back and can’t wait to see our students on Wednesday!
over 5 years ago, RSU 12
Room full of teachers
Wednesday, August 28, First Day of School. School Starts at 8:00. See you then
over 5 years ago, Chelsea Elementary
Chelsea Elementary School Picture Day Date: Monday, September 9
over 5 years ago, Chelsea Elementary
RSU 12 School Nutrition Director Mike Flynn receives accolades for statewide training.
over 5 years ago, RSU 12
over 5 years ago, Chelsea Elementary
Look who is taking her early evenings to make sure the gardens at Chelsea Elementary School look great. You rock Carol Belanger!
over 5 years ago, Chelsea Elementary
Carol fixing up the gardens